Archive | February 12th, 2009

Consumer Product Safety Commission waiver *URGENT*

As of Tuesday, February 10th, 2009, the small powersports industry has all but been shut down. This affects not only dealers and new units but individuals all across the U.S. New and used units as well as parts availability for every used unit in the nation has been called under question. This issue is far reaching not only financially but also concerning safety. With the suspension of proper sized ATV’s and motorcycles suspended, young riders will be tempted to use improperly sized and built machines which could (but Lord willing won’t) lead to severe injuries.

There is a waiver now setting before the Consumer Product Safety Commission in Washington DC, but has not been acted upon as of yet. We need every available rider, Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunt, Uncle and any relative, friend neighbor, business or personal contact or any person who is a legal us citizen to get involved. They need to access this website, read the sample letter, type in their name and addresss then click the “send a letter on my behalf” icon below it. This will generate correspondence to all the committee members in Washington that are on the committee that oversee the commission that could act upon this. The commission members as well as my office will also receive copies of the letters set so we can be the most effective voice we that we can. The sport as well as the industry is in turmoil and time is short. The future of small powersports is at risk! PLEASE ACT NOW!!

Please go to
to sign letter to congress - we have to stop this!!

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