Tag: "CPSC"

The vote is in: Consumer Product Safety Commission votes to stay enforcement of law making sale of youth model off-highway vehicles illegal

The vote is in: Consumer Product Safety Commission votes to stay enforcement of law making sale of youth model off-highway vehicles illegal

The vote is in: Consumer Product Safety Commission votes to stay enforcement of law making sale of youth model off-highway vehicles illegal
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has voted to stay enforcement of a lead law that currently bans the sale of youth-model motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). The stay, which extends through May 1, [...]

Congressman Mike Simpson Joins CPSC Fight on Youth Lead Ban

Congressman Mike Simpson Joins CPSC Fight on Youth Lead Ban

Congressman Mike Simpson Joins CPSC Fight
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson recently joined the growingnational movement against the CPSC’s current ban on youth OHVs. His interest in this issue and request for a hearing adds considerable weight to the ongoing efforts by Congress, OHV dealers, grassroots, national OHV organizations, Western Caucus, MIC, and State Senator Tom Self [...]

CPSC Approves Sale of Units for 12- to 15-year-olds

CPSC Approves Sale of Units for 12- to 15-year-olds

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) said Saturday it has heard the concerns of the motorcycle and ATV industries and riders and is responding by taking action to meet their needs. The agency has decided that machines designated for youths ages 12 to 15 – formerly the Y12 category – are not prohibited under new lead [...]