Hey there...
I'm a " newcomer" to Utah (from upstate New York) and also a newcomer to the side by side scene. I almost purchased an 06 Rhino 660 SE and trailer a couple of months ago without my princess's knowledge. You can well imagine how that would have gone! The good news is that now she's telling all that, "Bud is going to buy a Rhino."
I'm currently looking for a double axle trailer with the intention of purchasing the 07 Rhino 660 Exploring Edition by the end of March.
It's also my intent to go to Moab in June for the side by side rally. We have been to Moab several times since moving here in 03. IMHO, Dead Horse State Park is equal if not prettier then the Grand Canyon from either the North or South rims. You don't want to miss it!
As for the meet? I'm really looking forward to it!!! However, I may be forced to book lodging where there's a tub that I can soak these old arthritic bones at the end of the riding day.
Happy Trails....Bud